Sunday, January 30, 2011


Today,  our pastor spoke about "grace"  and it's link to generosity.    He quoted Solomon:

One person is generous and yet grows more wealthy, but another withholds more than he should and comes to poverty. -Proverbs 11:24.

As we become generous,  our world grows.  Likewise,  as we become more stingy our world shrinks.    Have you ever done something generous and received criticism from others for doing so?    I challenge you like our pastor did today, "Do some outrageous act of generosity this week,  and just see what happens."

You don't have to look hard to find someone to help.   Generosity is a boomerang that picks up speed.

We can do better!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Change the world

Most of us feel that saving the world is just too big of a task.   I used to feel that way as well.   However,  while we may not be capable of changing the world,  perhaps if we can each change something,  together we end up making a real difference.   I believe that all of us have a gift.   Some of us have more than one.  It is our responsibility to discover it and share it.

There are a billion people in this world without clean water.   World Vision  tells us that a child dies every 15 seconds due to the lack of clean water.  

Sponsor a child and perhaps you will save a life that will someday save yours.

We are better than this.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I was out running last Saturday.   I run until I am tired,  sometimes 10 miles,  then I get on the bus.    I am blessed to live near the bus routes.

Last Saturday,  I was waiting for the bus after about 8 miles.   An older lady was on the crosswalk trying to catch the bus which only comes every 20 minutes or so on Saturday.   This irritated some 30 year old guy wearing a Spurs Jersey who was driving north on this busy street.   He laid on his horn,  expressing his displeasure that this elder of our city was impeding his progress!   To her credit,  she ignored him but I can't help but wonder that somehow that still bothered her at some level,  it certainly bothered me.

Just in case by some miracle,  you are the red headed, bearded jerk,  wearing the #9 Tony Parker jersey,  who was driving north on Broadway at 9 am on Saturday the 8th of January, the 5 people waiting for the bus that morning saw what you did.   Try to do something nice for someone.   Try to help somebody next time.

We are better than that.